Monday, November 2, 2009

September 3, 2009

I have just been traumatized. I'll take it in stride, but I am completely grossed out and still shaking. While waiting for a fruit drink with my Fulbright friends in Taipei, a GIANT rat crawled across my foot and I kicked it onto the wall. Never before have I experienced something so gross!
        In other news, I am in Taipei for the weekend for our first Fulbright conference. We will meet up with the other teachers from Yilan, Taiwan, and the research Fulbrights who live in Taipei. Each group will give presentations about what we are doing this year in our locations and we may give individual presentations on the same subject.
        I begin work Monday morning at 7 am. The past few days I spent trying to create a lesson plan with my co-teachers, though our communication is not always easy. I hope that they understand that things will be bumpy at first until we get used to working together, so we should just wait it out before getting too stressed. My co-teachers are also quarrelling with each other, which makes it difficult for me to work with them...I am hopeful that after next week, everything will begin to move smoothly.
        Time to start saving money and adjust to a routine life in Taiwan.

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