Monday, November 2, 2009

August 19, 2009

I finally added photos to this website! There are tons from this whole month, all taken by Fonda, our Fulbright coordinator and the person who helps us with absolutely everything.
        This week has been pretty relaxed so far. Our "how to teach" classes are over and we are working at the Ling Jhou English Village. These are classrooms turned into faux post offices, airports, metros, hotels and restaurants, where students can practice their English in real life situations. We also have to perform a couple of skits tomorrow and Friday. We'll be teaching a group of kids to sing Hello, Goodbye by the Beatles and telling them the story of the Three Little Pigs. We are acting it out and I am the first little pig that lives in the house of straw.
        In the free time we have during the evenings, I've been preparing my law school applications and working on a budget for my time in Taiwan. Food is pretty expensive here, at least healthy food from grocery stores, so it may be a struggle to manage. I'm sure I will get the hang of it though! This evening I am trying out the World Gym with a few of the other Fulbrights. We're going to attend a cardio kick-boxing class...just to really amp up the exhaustion ;-)
        More stories to come after I get some feedback on how I can improve my blog and photo captions. I really appreciate your responses!

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