Monday, November 2, 2009

August 27, 2009

I am teaching at Fushan and Shinjuang Elementary Schools this year!!! This means that I am co-teaching with Firefly and Shopping for the first semester, and Winnie for the second. I love all three of them and am really glad that they listed me as their top choice for a co-teacher. The real work begins now.
        Tomorrow morning at 7:30 I am attending our first staff meeting of the school year. I'll be introduced to all of the other teachers and administrative staff. The commute from my apartment to school is about an hour, which is tough, but the schools are worth it. I walk 1o minutes to the metro from my house, then ride and change trains, which takes about 40 minutes, and then walk 10 more minutes from the metro to school. Hopefully I won't be drenched in sweat every morning when I show up for work.
        I also have to start coming up with lesson plans for 3rd graders. This will be their first year learning English officially, although many will have started earlier in cram schools (school after school). I will teach 14 classes each week, but do the same lesson 14 times since each class period is with a different group of kids. Three classes I will co-teach with Firefly and the other 11 with Shopping. 
        Next week I will only be in class Monday through Wednesday. Thursday all of the Fulbrights are going to Taipei together for our first Fulbright conference. There we will talk about our plans for the year and introduce ourselves a bit. We will tour the city a little too and I hope to meet up with two of my best friends from London (Elly, who lives in Taiwan, and Mariko who is visiting from Japan next weekend).
        Throughout this transition to Taiwan and becoming a teacher, I have been on the verge of feeling overwhelmed. I have so many goals for the year and many different responsibilities that I've never experienced. But I just go with the flow and relax; I know I am in the right place at the right time and because of that, I will do great things.
        Now I'm off to a personal training session at the gym.

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