Monday, November 2, 2009

October 9, 2009

I had a fantastic week back at work. Though my storytelling didn't go well on Monday -- the kids thought the story was boring and childish, which means I have to redo another story Power Point for this coming Monday -- my class lesson was fantastic. Of course, the kids were ecstatic about my return after the week of illness. But they also really enjoyed the activities in class and excelled more than ever. We reviewed phonics, learned about he versus she, and how to ask who someone is with fun pictures of famous people. Then we divided the class into beginner and advanced groups and I led the advanced kids in several one-on-one conversations. I am so proud of them!

My Free Talk class was great on Tuesday. Everyone read an English article I selected about evolution and human nature. We talked about aggression, compassion, war, and ancestors. Then we discussed travel, where we want to go, if we would ever live abroad (ha!), and I was astounded at the philosophical levels we were able to traverse with limited English ability.

I also got back to the gym this week, almost every day in fact. Body combat, yoga/tai chi, weight-lifting and running. Though I am feeling much better, I still have a pretty bad cough and went to the doctor twice this week. Supposedly, the deepest parts of my lungs are still infected, which means if I start to cough I can't stop.

This evening was a prime example of that fact. I went to dinner with a new friend and her mother. We met on the bus I take to school every day -- her name is Joanna and her mother was so excited to welcome me to Taiwan. Joanna attends the Wenzao Language College and is 19 years old. Both of them are very sweet and Joanna's English is excellent. Tonight we went to a cute restaurant and had hot pot. Mine was Korean style with kim chi, vegetables, and pork. You cook it in boiling water and eat it with rice. The food was delicious, but not five minutes into the meal, I start choking to death. Joanna's mom is kung fu chopping my back, Joanna is staring in horror, and I wonder if the moment will ever end.

As a result of this embarrassing scenario, Joanna and her mother insisted on taking me to a traditional Chinese medicine expert. On a small, dark road at 10 pm we pulled up to a little shop lined with jugs of various colored powders. This expert, a man Joanna's mother has known and gone to for over 30 years, felt my pulse on both wrists and diagnosed my illness (with some explanation from Joanna about my symptoms). He mixed up 8 different powders onto plastic paper squares. Despite my resistance, he, his wife, Joanna, and her mother insisted that I take the first dose in front of them. This pile of brown powder, about a tablespoon in size, was mixed into a quarter cup of water and handed to me. I drank it down and found it tasted surprisingly delicious; almost like herbal tea. Smart decision or not, it was a cool experience and I hope there will be no adverse side effects.

I especially want to be well because I am traveling to Kenting tomorrow with 3 friends -- two teachers from Fushan and one who formerly taught at Fushan. We are the "Good Friends Group" and we're driving to the beach tomorrow morning. We will spend one night and I look forward to posting pictures and exciting experiences!

Next week I will take pictures of my apartment, school, and more with my students. After over 2 months of living in Kaohsiung, it is a bit ridiculous that I haven't shared my surroundings with you all.

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