Tuesday, February 2, 2010

6 Months Up!

Hard to believe that I've been in Taiwan for six months now. In many ways, it feels like I've been here forever, but mostly time has flown by in Kaohsiung.
I haven't written for almost the entire month of January. Everything really piled up. I said goodbye to my third graders at Fushan, where the students gave me posters, gifts, random toys and school supplies, and the principal presented me with a certificate of appreciation and a handmade sculpture of the school's seal. My teacher's class took me to dinner and gave me a cool watch that looks like a tiger, since we're about to enter that lunar year.
Parting ways is always hard, but many new things are also beginning. My co-teacher Firefly is traveling through Europe during our winter vacation and Hsiao-ping gave birth to a healthy baby boy. Winnie and I are planning an exciting semester for my new fifth graders at Shinjuang, where I'll be teaching in a few weeks. I'm in some sort of shock. For the first time in six months, I'm not booked solid everyday and I'm not injured.
That isn't entirely true. I go to physical therapy everyday now, closer to home and I can go anytime of day from 8 til 9. It is painful, but we're making progress on my finger, which currently doesn't move. Through hydrotherapy (i.e. squeezing my hand in hot water), electrotherapy (squeezing my hand while it is hooked up to electric currents), and just having the doctor manipulate my finger, I'm regaining strength and mobility. There is a possibility I will need a second surgery.
Over the past month, there have been many highlights. I went to my principal's son's wedding at Da Ba restaurant. I did storytelling for the American Corner run by AIT. All of the Fulbrights went to the beach in Kenting for our mid-year conference. The Kaohsiung ETAs gave a fun presentation of our experiences. I visited Tainan, a nearby city with many ancient historical sites. One of the sixth graders at Fushan has become my adopted little sister. Her name is Janet and she is almost fluent in English. She and her family have welcomed me into their home. Check out my latest link to photos -- it is a combination of these experiences and some old pictures that Winnie just gave me.
My priority now is to amp up my Chinese proficiency. Carol and I are also preparing to start an English class at the elderly center behind our apartment. And soon I'll be seeing my parents on their first trip to Asia!

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