Monday, January 3, 2011

2010 最後一個月

Photos from the last month of 2010...

Carol and I decorated the house a little bit for Christmas

Outside a department store with beautiful decorations

My classmates and I went out for Vietnamese food, sooo delicious!

Carol and I wore these hats to and during school on Christmas Eve. Everyone stares at us anyway!

Two of my classmates and my teacher

Christmas Eve night, we went to Kaohsiung's most famous Catholic church

For Christmas, I went to see my classmate, Kelly, in Taipei. This is from the Christmas concert at her church

I spoke Chinese all day, from morning til night, with Kelly and her friends. I stayed in Taipei about 5 days

Beautiful bus ride to Kelly's family's home in Taipei County

Taiwanese-style hair for 2011, 5 months to go :)