Sunday, November 21, 2010

好久不見 (Long Time No See)

This is a long overdue, photo-based blog update. I would love to hear more from everyone at home!

Beautiful clear day viewed from my balcony

On Cijin Island outside Kaohsiung

With my teacher and best friend/classmate from Brazil, also named Kelly. We took a boat tour along the Love River

Outside of my language center

Free concert weekend in the huge park near our house

Elementary school "lion dance" performance outside the department store

Zi Yu, Fu An and Teacher Lai with a little bit of Gong Zhu's head. I only know my classmate's Chinese names!

Check out that scooter traffic, so typical

Eating Taiwanese hot pot with my favorite girl, Lily

Having class outside the Cultural Center with Meng Shi, Jing Shen, and Ding Shan (Vietnamese, Australian and Korean. Kelly is Brazilian and there is also another American in my class!)

My former coworker got married and invited me and our former student, Janet, to her wedding!

The wedding is basically just a giant reception. We all ate fresh seafood non-stop for 3 hours. The bride and groom came out a few times to hold a raffle and toast with the guests, each time wearing a different outfit! 

Went to dinner with Kelly, her friends from church and their pastor. See anything strange??

Winnie, my former coteacher, and I won a prize from Taiwan's GreaTeach 2010 competition for our international net pal exchange program!!!

Ding Shan, Zi Yu, me and Kelly at our farewell dinner. Zi Yu, Kelly and the only other girl in class, Hui Lin, won't be studying with us next semester :(

Our class and the Center director at the graduation ceremony (minus Jing Shen who already went traveling!). I was really surprised and happy to receive the 1st place award for my class. We all voted for who should get the award, so it means a lot that my classmates think I've done the best!